giovedì 30 gennaio 2014

Italian poll finds a greater acceptance of LGBT rights

Euroispes, an Italian institute for social research, found a significant shift on LGBT rights support. 

According to a previous poll (September 26, 2013) 82% of Italians no more consider homosexuality a 'taboo' and only a 9 % of Italians thinks that it is immoral.

The same poll found that 64% of Italians backs the legal recognition of same-sex couples and only a 41% the right to marry. 

On Thursday, the same institute, Euroispes, released the annual report 'Rapporto 2014' and the survey found a greater acceptance than the last poll (only 5 months later). Now 47.7% of Italians back same-sex couples right to marry. 

The poll showed that only 28.8% of Italians support same-sex adoption (but an ISTAT - Italian National Institute of Statics - survey found a lower support - only 20% - 2 years ago).

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